Hi there! I am Rui Zhu, a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol (UK). I am a geographer by training with a background in data science (so you can call me a spatial data scientist). Broadly speaking, I study how humans and machines organize spatial knowledge, as well as their interactions with the environment. More specifically, I combine theory-informed (e.g., geography and semantics) and data-driven (e.g., machine learning and spatial statistics) approaches to address geospatial challenges such as geospatial data interoperability, spatial predictions, and spatial reasoning. My work has been applied to a wide range of applications, including urban studies, global health, environmental modeling, as well as humanitarian relief.
Research Interests
- GeoAI
- GIScience
- Spatial Statistics
- Spatial Data Science
- Geospatial Semantics
- Spatiotemporal Data Mining
- Geospatial Knowledge Graphs
I received my Ph.D. from the Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara. I obtained a M.S. degree in Information Sciences from the School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh and a B.S. degree in Information Management from the School of Information Management, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, China. I have also worked as a Postdoctoral Scholar at the Center for Spatial Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara and a data science intern at the Geospatial Science and Human Security Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US.
Prospective Students/Scholars
I am recruiting talented and self-motived Master/PhD students whose research interests align with mine. In the upcoming academic year of 2022-2023, several fellowships can be applied under my supervision:
- SWDTP (ESRC) application deadline: 13 January 2023. There are two pathways to choose if you want to study under my supervision. (Note that there might be another pathway about Sociotechnical Futures & Digital Methods being approved soon.)
- Advanced Quantitative Methods +3 (have a Master degree) or 1+3 (have no Master degree)
- Human Geography +3 (have a Master degree) or 1+3 (have no Master degree)
- UoB Scholarship application deadline: 21 February 2023. Students who are specifically interested at the following topics are encouraged to apply:
- Economic, political, and social justice
- Environment / sustainability /climate change
- Health and social care
- Migration and mobilities
- Sociodigital / data science / technology
- China Scholarship Council (CSC) application deadline: 01 December 2022 (Note that 01 December 2022 is the University deadline to submit your application. Once you have received the offer from the University, you must apply directly to CSC for the scholarship by Friday 31 March 2023)
No matter which scholarship you are interested to apply, or if you are unsure, I highly recommend you to contact me first by sending (1) your CV and (2) a brief reseach statement (no need to be the final version) to rui.zhu@bristol.ac.uk. Also please be mindful of the deadline. They are the dates to submit your final application. You should contact me at least four weeks before that so that I can help you go through the process if you are qualified.
Meanwhile, I am also considering visiting scholars who are willing to work with me at the University of Bristol. Contact me if you are interested.
- [February, 2023] The 2nd Workshop on Geospatial Knowledge Graphs and Geospatial AI will be colocated with GIScience2023. We look forward to seeing you at Leeds, UK!
- [February, 2023] The 4th Spatial Data Science Symposium (SDSS2023) will be hosted again as a distributed and online event on September 5-6, 2023. McGill University is confirmed as one of the hubs.
- [February, 2023] I am serving on multiple program committees in 2023, including KG4S (colocated at TheWebConf2023), ESWC2023, CPGIS2023, AGILE2023, EASM’23, and LocBigDataAI 2023 (colocated with ICC2023). Look forward to seeing you at these exciting events!
- [October, 2022] The 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Geospatial Knowledge Graphs (GeoKG 2022) will be held on Nov. 1st at Seattle. This year, we have a very exciting program incluing four accepted papers and one Keynote talk by Prof. Craig A. Knoblock.
- [October, 2022] A joint White Paper on Locational Information and the Public Interest is now released. It is part of the GeoEthics Program organized by AAG.
- [October, 2022] Our paper: “Knowledge Explorer: Exploring the 12-Billion-Statement KnowWhereGraph Using Faceted Search” won the best demo paper at the 30th ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022.